World Weather Network: Einar Falur's Daily Weather Reports

World Weather Network: Einar Falur's Daily Weather Reports

Einar Falur’s regular weather-reports part of the World Weather Network are going strong.

Icelandic Art Center is with 27 other arts organisations across the world participating in the World Weather Network, a ground-breaking constellation of ‘weather stations’ located across the world in oceans, deserts, mountains, farmland, rainforests, observatories, lighthouses and cities. Since June 21st artists and writers have been sharing ‘weather reports’ in the form of observations, stories, images and imaginings about their local weather and our shared climate, creating an archipelago of voices and viewpoints on this new global platform.

Einar Falur Ingólfsson is working in Iceland’s weather station and has since May, as artist in residence in Library of Water in Stykkishólmur, among other projects been recording a yearlong visual weather-diary Einar Falur publishes the diary every week on Instagram, @DailyWeatherReports. He records the weather in a photograph at noon every day, along with the official record, and “discussion” with weather records made at the site 170 years ago.

On Instagram Einar Falur publishes other weather-related works as well, and short interviews with people who describes the weather. A report about the work he is creating is then published regularely on the World Weather Network. Offering different ways of looking at, listening to, and living with the weather, writers and artists’ weather reports are shared on the platform. Climate scientists, environmentalists and communities will also participate in a wide-ranging programme of special events held in each location and online through the platform. Through the course of the year, the London Review of Books is commissioning special reports from writers based in many of the locations in the World Weather Network.

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