Echophilosophic Dialogue

SÍM Hlöðuloft: ECHO - Echophilosophic Dialogues

Ecophilosophic Dialogues is a collaborative project by six women artists, from Iceland and Norway. It was initiated by Icelandic artist Hildur Björnsdóttir who had the vision to create a network for Icelandic and Norwegian artists to share ideas, knowledge and skills, and to organize exhibitions, workshops and residencies. The artists bring different approaches and techniques to the table when they work side by side and co-create in a variety of media. They explore similarities and differences between their cultures, languages and the nature of their countries.


Catherine Finsrud (NO)

Elva Hreiðarsdóttir (IS)

Gíslína Dögg Bjarkardóttir (IS)

Hildur Björnsdóttir (IS/NO)

Lill-Anita Olsen (NO)

Soffía Sæmundsdóttir (IS)

Ecophilosophic Dialogues has been supported by Norsk Kulturrad, Vesturland Culture funding and Muggur travel Grant

Artist: Echophilosophic Dialogue

Curator: Páll Haukur Björnsson


13.02.2025 – 23.02.2025


SÍM Barn, Korpúlfsstaðir

Thorsvegur 1, 112 Reykjavík, Iceland


Capital AreaExhibition

Opening hours:

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