The eighth edition of CHART
will take place from 28 – 30 August 2020. This year, it is taking place in a de-centered
format across the five Nordic capitals Copenhagen, Helsinki, Oslo, Stockholm and
Reykjavík. 28 leading art galleries will host special events and exhibitions as
part of CHART’s 2020 program.
The program
combines physical and online components showing 100% women artists, a first for
the international art fair community. With this strong collective statement, the
ambition is to highlight one of the biggest structural barriers in the art scene
and art market; gender imbalance.
The Icelandic participating galleries, BERG Contemporary, Hverfisgallerí
and i8 Gallery will show their CHART presentations in a collaborative format at
BERG Contemporary, Klapparstígur 16, featuring works from Arna Óttarsdóttir (IS), B. Ingrid Olson (US), Guðný Rósa Ingimarsdóttir (IS), Harpa Árnadóttir (IS), Hildur Bjarnadóttir (IS), Hulda Stefándóttir
(IS), Margét H. Blöndal (IS), Roni Horn (US) and Steina (IS).
Opening hours:
Saturday (August 29) and Sunday (August 30) from 12 – 7 p.m.
BERG Contemporary
Klapparstígur 16, 101 Reykjavík