Lightroom by Sigurður Guðjónsson on show at Regelbau 411

Lightroom by Sigurður Guðjónsson

Regelbau 411 is opening the exhibition LIGHTROOM by Sigurður Guðjónsson on January 18th 2021. The exhibition presents a journey into the core of technology and its relics. Through seven video installations, Guðjónsson intricately reflects on devices and machines that have been overtaken by current technological developments and gradually become memories of our collective past.

In these works, time passes slowly. Soft and resounding images reveal movements and changes in structure, rendering commonly hidden sequences of rhythm and reflection into visible form. On the threshold of recog- nisable everyday mechanisation and abstract imagery, Guðjónsson’s works focus on electronic components that have become detached from ordinary life, as they become reawakened and appear in a new and poetic light.

Set within the bunkers of Regelbau 411, the former workings of particular technological activities are brought to life, although completely devoid of their original functions and value. Rather than being perceived as gene- ral-purpose objects, they are extraordinarily transformed into a revered experience, laced with unseen powers and reminders of antiquity.

We often think of technological change as a process dissolving the world of former times. Employing modern technology – digital video and sound – the exhibition seeks to reveal an interlacing of past and present, infu- sing the ruins of the past with new life.

Sigurður Guðjónsson is an Icelandic visual artist. Working with moving imagery and installations, his works carry carefully constructed synchronized soundscapes to create organic synergies between sound, vision, and space. His all-immersive multi-faceted compositions allow for the viewer to be engaged in a synaesthetic experience that seems to extend one’s perceptual experience beyond new measures.

Opening: 18 January 2022 Exhibition period: 18 January – 6 March 2022. Opening hours: Every day from 10.00 to 16.00. Admission to Regelbau 411 is free.

The exhibition is curated by Matilde Best and Simon Thykjær.

The exhibition LIGHTROOM is kindly supported by the Danish Arts Foundation, The New Carlsberg Foundation, the foundation Knud Højgaards Fond, Nordic Culture Fund, Færchfonden and the Obel Family Foundation.

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