Sigurjón Ólafsson Museum

Listasafn Sigurjóns Ólafssonar

The Sigurjón Ólafsson Museum was founded in 1984 by the artist's widow Birgitta Spur ex­hibit­ing who had his studio and their home con­vert­ed to a mus­eum build­ing, open­ed for publ­ic in 1988.

The mus­eum is dedi­cat­ed to  Sigur­jón Ólafs­sons's sculp­tur­es - alone or in dia­logue with other art­ists. It also hous­es a vast amount of bio­graph­ical mat­erial and is the re­search cent­er of Sigur­jón Ólafs­son's work. In ad­di­tion to hous­ing dif­fer­ent ex­hib­itions the museum spons­ors vari­ous cult­ural pro­grams.


Laugarnestangi 70, 105 Reykjavík


MuseumWheelchair Access

Opening hours:

Jun 1 — Sep 15. Tue — Sun: 1 — 5pm

Sep 16 — May 31. Sat — Sun: 1 —5pm

Dec — Jan: Closed

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